Top Quotes About Che Guevara

1. Introduction: The Legacy of Che Guevara

Che Guevara was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, and guerrilla leader who played a significant role in the Cuban Revolution. Born on June 14, 1928, in Rosario, Argentina, Guevara became an influential figure in the fight against imperialism and capitalism. His actions and beliefs inspired millions around the world, making him an enduring symbol of rebellion and social justice.

2. Quote 1: “The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.”

This quote encapsulates Guevara’s belief in the active pursuit of change. He understood that revolutions are not mere coincidences or strokes of luck but rather the result of dedicated effort and unwavering determination. Guevara emphasized the need for individuals to take action and work towards their goals, rather than passively waiting for change to happen.

3. Quote 2: “I don’t care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting.”

In this quote, Guevara expresses his selflessness and dedication to the cause. He was willing to sacrifice himself if it meant that others would continue the struggle for justice and liberation. It exemplifies his commitment to the greater good and his desire for the revolution to carry on even if he could no longer be a part of it.

4. Quote 3: “Silence is argument carried out by other means.”

Guevara recognized the power of silence and the message it conveys. He believed that remaining silent in the face of injustice was equivalent to endorsing it. This quote reminds us of the importance of speaking up against oppression and using our voices to challenge the status quo.

5. Quote 4: “At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.”

Contrary to popular misconceptions, Guevara saw love as a driving force behind revolution. He believed that love for humanity and a deep sense of empathy were essential qualities of a true revolutionary.

6. Quote 5: “If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.”

Guevara valued a shared sense of outrage in the face of injustice. He saw this indignation as a unifying force among like-minded individuals striving for a better world. This quote speaks to his desire for collective action and his belief in the strength of unity against oppression.

7. Quote 6: “The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.”

Reiterating the importance of love in revolution, Guevara emphasized that love, compassion, and a genuine concern for others should guide the actions of a true revolutionary.

8. Quote 7: “It’s not just about being alive; it’s about feeling alive.”

Guevara’s perspective on life extended beyond mere existence. He believed that true fulfillment came from actively engaging with the world, pursuing one’s passions, and fighting for a cause greater than oneself. This quote reflects his call for individuals to live life to its fullest and embrace the opportunities for growth and change.

9. Quote 8: “The walls of the educational system must come down. Education should not be a privilege, so the children of those who have money can study.”

Guevara was a strong advocate for accessible education. He believed that education should be a fundamental right for all, irrespective of social or economic status. This quote underscores his commitment to dismantling barriers to education and his belief in equal opportunities for every child.

10. Quote 9: “Many will call me an adventurer, and that I am… only one of a different sort: one who risks his skin to prove his truths.”

Guevara was aware of the criticism and labels he would face throughout his revolutionary journey. This quote reflects his acknowledgment of being labeled an adventurer, but he embraced it as part of his unique approach to proving his truths. It highlights his willingness to take risks and face adversity in pursuit of his ideals.

11. Quote 10: “Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism.”

Imperialism was a significant target of Guevara’s revolutionary efforts. He saw it as a destructive force that oppressed nations and exploited their resources. This quote emphasizes his belief in the power of collective action and the need to challenge imperialist structures through every action taken.

12. Quote 11: “The revolution is made through human beings, but individuals must forge their revolutionary spirit day by day.”

However, he emphasized the personal responsibility of individuals to nurture and develop their revolutionary spirit continuously. This quote highlights the importance of individual growth and commitment in the pursuit of social change.

13. Quote 12: “Every day, People straighten up the hair, why not the heart?”

Guevara believed that personal transformation and self-reflection were essential aspects of the revolutionary journey. This quote draws attention to the importance of introspection and aligning one’s values and actions. It encourages individuals to prioritize inner growth and nurturing a compassionate and empathetic heart.

14. Quote 13: “Let me say, with the risk of appearing ridiculous, that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.”

This quote reiterates Guevara’s belief that love was a driving force behind genuine revolution. It emphasizes the transformative potential of love and the deep connection between empathy and meaningful social change. Guevara saw love as a catalyst for unity, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication to a shared cause.

15. Quote 14: “Words that do not match deeds are unimportant.”

Guevara valued the alignment between words and actions. He believed that empty rhetoric held little significance compared to concrete actions that brought about tangible change. This quote reminds us of the importance of integrity and authenticity in our pursuits, emphasizing the need to back up our words with meaningful deeds.

16. Quote 15: “To accomplish much, you must first lose everything.”

This quote encapsulates Guevara’s understanding of sacrifice and the willingness to let go of personal comforts and attachments in the pursuit of a greater goal. He believed that true achievement often required letting go of material possessions and personal desires, highlighting the commitment and dedication necessary to bring about substantial change.


Che Guevara’s quotes reveal a revolutionary spirit rooted in love, justice, and a relentless pursuit of freedom. His words continue to resonate with individuals around the world, inspiring them to challenge oppression, embrace compassion, and actively work towards a more equitable society. Guevara’s legacy as a visionary leader lives on through his powerful quotes and the enduring impact of his actions.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Q: What was Che Guevara’s role in the Cuban Revolution?
    A: Che Guevara played a pivotal role in the Cuban Revolution as a guerrilla leader alongside Fidel Castro, helping overthrow the Batista regime.
  2. Q: What is Che Guevara best known for?
    A: Che Guevara is best known for his revolutionary activities, his role in the Cuban Revolution, and his iconic status as a symbol of rebellion and social justice.
  3. Q: Why are Che Guevara’s quotes popular?
    A: Che Guevara’s quotes are popular because they encapsulate powerful ideas about revolution, love, justice, and the pursuit of social change, resonating with people seeking inspiration and guidance.
  4. Q: How did Che Guevara impact the world?
    A: Che Guevara’s impact on the world is seen in his role as a revolutionary leader, his writings on Marxism and guerrilla warfare, and his enduring influence on social justice movements globally.
  5. Q: Where can I learn more about Che Guevara?
    A: To learn more about Che Guevara, you can explore his writings, biographies about him, and historical accounts of the Cuban Revolution and his involvement in other revolutionary movements.

Che Guevara, the Argentine revolutionary and Marxist leader, left behind a powerful legacy of ideas and beliefs. His words continue to inspire and provoke thought, resonating with individuals who seek justice, equality, and social change. In this article, we will explore 30 of the top quotes about Che Guevara, shedding light on his ideology and the impact he has had on the world.

Top Quotes About Che Guevara :

1. “The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.”

Guevara emphasized the active role individuals must play in bringing about change.

2. “I don’t care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting.”

This quote captures Guevara’s selflessness and commitment to the cause.

3. “Silence is argument carried out by other means.”

Guevara understood the power of silence and its implications. He believed that remaining silent in the face of injustice was equivalent to supporting it.

4. “At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.”

Contrary to popular notions, Guevara saw love as a driving force behind revolution. He believed that a genuine love for humanity and a deep sense of empathy were essential qualities of a true revolutionary.

5. “If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine.”

Guevara valued a shared sense of outrage against injustice. This quote highlights his belief that those who feel a deep sense of indignation are comrades in the struggle for a better world. It emphasizes the strength of unity and collective action.

6. “The true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.”

Reiterating the importance of love, Guevara emphasized that love and compassion should guide the actions of a true revolutionary. .

7. “It’s not just about being alive; it’s about feeling alive.”

Guevara’s perspective on life extended beyond mere existence. He believed in fully embracing life, pursuing one’s passions, and actively engaging with the world.

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